Alternative Themed Fall Wedding | Richmond Wedding Photographer
Congratulations to Sarah and Jeremy, who tied the knot last weekend at their, “Till Death Do Us Part,” themed wedding!! Their beautiful wedding took place at their family home at Lake Gaston, which is actually where they first met. Their friends and family all gathered together to help them get ready for their big day, and celebrate their relationship with them. I was so excited to get to see these two again, and to get to celebrate with them and their friends!
Before we knew it, it was time for Sarah and Jeremy to share their first look together. I can’t express enough my love for first looks! They are always the sweetest moments of the day, and allow for some really romantic moments together. I love seeing couples have that moment to take each other in, and really share it with each other without all of the watching eyes of guests. Jeremy was just stunned by Sarah, and I can’t get over the adoration for each other in their eyes!
Their lakeside portraits had me absolutely gushing, and these two jokesters definitely kept it fun. Going in line with their, “Till death do us part,” themed wedding, we just had to get a couple of, “American Gothic,” styled shots. I just loved how much fun we had with our portrait time, and how many ideas Sarah and Jeremy had for their day! The bond between them is unbreakable, and they were just waiting to be able to vow to love each other all of their days, in the absolutely best, nerdy, romantic ways.
Sarah and Jeremy share their love and enjoyment together as huge enthusiasts of many different fandoms! I just LOVE my nerdy couples, and completely understand the bubbling excitement of being able to incorporate their favorite things into their wedding day! Their ceremony definitely goes down in the books for the most adorably nerdy ceremonies I’ve had the wonderful pleasure of getting to witness. With the first notes of the Skyrim soundtrack, their families watched on with excitement as everyone took their places.
Their Wedding Master, the Dungeon Master for their Dungeons and Dragons group, called for the rolling of the dice to determine who would begin with their vows. After Jeremy rolled a 1 (not good!) Sarah began with her vows. We laughed with Sarah as she vowed to let Jeremy watch sports when there is nothing better on TV, to always share her dessert, and to let him have a turn on the playstation too. Hearing her profess her adoration for her favorite goofball, the one person she knows she can be 100% herself around, and she will love him to the end of her days had everyone tearing up.
I didn’t think I could get any more teary until Jeremy chimed in, reflecting on the first day that they met. From the moment Jeremy first saw Sarah, he admired her carefree nature and beautiful smile, and immediately felt connected to her in so many ways. Jeremy described how Sarah’s smile brings him such joy, how she is his better half, and took the leap together with him to join their lives forever. Their adorable Bernese mountain dog, Freya, had to chip in her approval at that!
We laughed as Jeremy quoted Pokemon, telling how a Caterpie may evolve into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same. I officially started crying as Jeremy told Sarah that in the same way, through all of what life brings them, and as they grow in age together, his love for her would never change, and his heart will always remain hers. With the exchanging of their vows and the ceremony of the rings, they finally shared their first kiss as husband and wife!
Friends, family, and guests all came together for the celebration at the reception. They giggled as they enjoyed Sarah and Jeremy’s character sheets on display, along with choosing their stone to take home. Skeletons, dragons, and spells adorned the reception, with the most elegant gothic candle holder heading the bridal party table. “TIll death do us part,” echoed in everyone’s minds as Sarah and Jeremy shared their first dance, and the night of dancing and celebration party began after a tradition with all of their Longwood college friends. Congratulations again Sarah and Jeremy, and I can’t wait for you to start your journey together, loving each other until the end of your days 🙂
Venue: Lake Gaston Lions Club.
Florist: Witchin Bouquets., @Witchinbouquets
Catering: Smoking It Up- RVA Style. (804) 269-1981